Monitor your business’
heartbeat with OctoAnalytics

Whether you run a single store or a chain of stores, OctoAnalytics gives you real-time sales, inventory, customer and staff performance data and dives deep into the data to give you necessary insights for business optimization.

Real-time data at your fingertips

OctoAnalytics has real time data with the latest statistics for your key business metrics, so you never have to second guess your store’s sales performance or inventory count.

Vivid visualizations at a glance

OctoAnalytics has powerful dashboards to help you visualize your data and is easily customizable to give you quick access to see data about your valuable assets and metrics. Use it to gain new insights about sales performance, product trends and even customer engagement.

Smarter decisions and business optimization

With detailed reporting to show how your business is doing and track how your store and staff are reaching performance goals, OctoAnalytics helps you make smarter decisions around merchandising, inventory management, staff scheduling and more to optimize your business.


OctoAnalytics pricing varies based on your existing POS subscription plan.

Contact us to learn more